Thursday, June 12

Wouldn't it be fun. . .

to join in on traditions from other cultures? If I could have a Quinceanera, this would be the dress I would get! And that tiara too. This Sweet Potato was posing for her Q photos on the Sabine Street Bridge last night. We were there after bible study hanging out at the Skate Park (I know, you are probably thinking how multicultural I actually am - SWEET!). Since, I am not celebrating my fifteen birthday this year, perhaps I could go ahead and find all those celebrations I missed in my youth and lump them into one big melting pot.

Okay, in lieu of my thirteenth, I could celebrate with a Bat Mitzvah. My dear friend, Rabbi Eve, could no doubt handle that one and we would all spend Saturday morning in Temple where I would get to read from the Torah, have a great lunch and then get all dolled up for a fun party that evening with lots of gifts. 

For my fifteenth, the above mention Q and the DRESS! We would all go to Mass on Saturday morning where the Pope, er, I mean Priest would give a great service and then we'd have a party that evening and I would ask all of you to "sponsor" various items so it could be a really big party and it wouldn't cost any of us very much money. I would still want you to bring gifts.

For my sixteenth,  well come to think of it, I did have a sixteenth birthday party. It was sweet. Moving on ...

For my eighteenth, Socially elite parents (not to say that mine aren't) generally present their daughter at the Debutante Ball. You get an escort, wear a fabulous white dress, curtsey, and go to a really fantastic fancy dinner. You should probably go ahead and bring gifts just in case.

So, this year I will actually be thirty-ten, not so sure about a party but definitely thinking pink dress and gifts.

But Moses said, Those aren't sounds of victory, And those aren't sounds of defeat, I hear sounds of people throwing a party! Exodus 32:18 Msg

New Look

WHy diDn't AnYOne tell me that stinkin' pink was so obnoxiouS?

But I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart REJOICES in Your salvation. Psalm 13:5

Sunday, June 8

I wanna be. . .

a real blogger. One who is diligent in posting daily with quips of wisdom and hilarity. Anybody have wisdom for me?