While I was in Brazil, Patti taught in church on Matthew 11. It was in portuguese and having Georgia translate would have been disruptive so I just listened wide eyed hoping to navigate the foreign waters and gain something from the lesson. I did. Over and over again, she mentioned the title of this entry. Confirming with her later as to what was said, it was indeed, "severe circumstances".
Tonight, at Texas Children's Hospital I visited a situation that could be viewed as such. Circunstancias Severas. Twelve year old, Carolyn German, is in a fight for her life over a nasty little (large) pelvic tumor growing at an alarming rate. I describe Carolyn as "Tinkerbell with glasses" because she is this pixie precious girl with cropped strawberry blonde hair and the most beautiful pure skin you've ever seen. She is friends with my niece, Landon, and my brother, Mark, used his amazing networking personality to coordinate a fundraising benefit for her family in August 2007. The event raised over $50,000 for the family's medical expenses. They LOVE Mark (well, truth be told, we all do!)
The visit came as the result of my precious friend, Lara's, request for prayer for Carolyn at a bible study the night before. One of the ladies from bible study, Cami, introduced herself to Lara and told her she wanted to go to the hospital and pray over the precious girl. Jeff, Lara's coworker, had already mentioned he wanted to go and pray after she had forwarded an email requesting prayer that my brother had sent out. Lara called me after securing the team and said "Let's go!" I'm dizzy trying to explain but I hope you are getting that this was an unusual group gathering (one ordained from YOU-KNOW-WHO). I may start playing 6 degrees of somebody here in a minute.
We arrived in separate vehicles but left with a united heart. Cami, Jeff, Lara and I walked in to a full room unknown and unsure of what would happen next. We introduced ourselves, received a big hug from Carolyn's mother, Adrian (after I reminded her I was Mark's sister!), told them why we were there and I proceeded to fuss over Tinkerbell lying in bed. She was intentional about whispering to me with closed eyes that we may have been told she only had 4 weeks to live but that was a rumor. Nobody knows how long, she said. I agreed and we reached out for hands (with everyone), surrounded the bed and begin praying. Cami led us in a petition to the Almighty that was strong and deliberate. Others joined in with heartfelt and sincere pleading. I was stroking Carolyn's arm (she had already told me my cool hands felt good to her skin) and I felt the tears well up at the thought of the pain she must be in.
Circunstancias Severas.
I had prayed most of the day that our visit would be uplifting and an encouragement to the family. That we would be joyful and share the love of the Lord in a way that was appropriate to the situation. When we departed an hour and a half later, there was laughter and smiles and the peace that surpasses all understanding (from YOU-KNOW-WHO) radiating from everyone. It wasn't us - it was the Lord, Jesus Christ. We were all just using our gifts - spiritual and otherwise - to share with the victims of a severe circumstance. I had prayed that we would decrease and He would increase.
Will you pray with us too?
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:10-11