Thursday, January 24

The Doubleheader

Our schedule for Wednesday night including speaking to the youth group at church and then going to a home to speak to an adult small group. I thought I was ready for the youth - I mean I WAS a "youth". I WAS in the "youth" group. Yikes, I wasn't ready. The beautiful young tan faces watched me as if I had two heads, staring at me like I had never been a "youth"! The Brazilian teens tend to start dating very early and have sex pushed on them at very young ages. I talked to them about the priorities they make now will impact the future they have later. Not to be in a hurry to grow up. Enjoy your teenage years - there are only 7 of them! I tried to be youthful and exhuberant but then they just looked at me like both of my heads were being cut off, slowly. Ooohh, I couldn't wait to get to the adult group! We scooted out of the YOUTH GROUP with a hearty "ciao ciao"! They replied in kind - GO AMERICAN GO! Not really but you can imagine, like I, that they wanted to.

We arrived at Tania's home, which was so beautiful - dark wood with delicious white leather sofas. I considered, for a moment, life at my house with white leather sofas, two boys, two cats and a dog. Well, you know the conclusion. The Adults kissed me (I am now soo good at the kiss kiss on each cheek greeting!) and told me how wonderful it was that I was visiting them. Patti had briefed me on most everybody (there were 16) so I was able to speak with some wisdom to their situations. I opened telling them that when I go home, I will probably speak with a pause after everything I say since I've gotten so used to constantly speaking with an interpreter!

Once again, I talked about priorities and making your Christian life and your relationship with God number one. Ephesians 4:13 speaks of this -"...until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." When Georgia and I were in downtown Rio on Monday, I saw these beautiful, large oak trees in the middle of the city, surrounded by concrete. I mentioned that those trees only survive and grow because of their deep roots in one place. They all seem to nod as if fully understanding what I was explaining. And afterwards told me how much they appreciated the encouragement. Thank the Lord! I didn't really have two heads. I love Adults! Hmmm, reality check, I am one.

...warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 1 Thessalonians 5:6

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